Thursday, November 25, 2010

Compare and Contrast Fast Food VS Home Cooked Food

" Time is like a knife these days. If you don't cut it, it will cut you off ", said a fast food addict. However, what does he mean? Is it right to consider fast food restaurants the best choice because of time? What about health issues? In this essay I would like to share my point of view on the subject of comparing and contrasting fast food restaurant's food with home cooked meals.

There are two types of choices. On the first hand, in discussing fast food restaurants, disadvantages are found if compared to home cooked meals. Home prepared meals are safer as the ingredients and tools used for preparations are your own cooking devices, example: new cooking oil, clean knives, and so on. Also, restaurants the process for food preparation is behind walls. People being served the food cooked might wonder if these kitchens are clean or not? Or if healthy clean oil is used as restaurants are known to use the oil many times for less expense. Fast food restaurants can also cause slow death which is known as obesity or over-weight. In home cooking you can follow a healthier diet with lower price and expenses.

Overall, home cooking food will always be the best choice. But you all have your choices and interests. I wish you all a healthy life and healthy living.

1 comment:

  1. Even though home prepared meals seem to cost less. They don't, and this is due to the addition of gas (for cooking) , water (for cleaning) and the sizes of the ingredients from the grocery store (often made in bulk). And, including the time factors of washing, preparing, buying the ingredients and it just might not taste good because first time chefs often have difficulties in managing and making food properly. However, even with the low quality fast food, it could be worse if a dish was undercooked.

    Thanks for listening to my output~ (>^.^)>
